Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting Ready for Camp Stitchalot!!

Seriously excited about going to camp!!
Me!! I get to go to summer camp this year...woo,hoo!

I get three days of quilting and sewing till my eyeballs glaze over.
I get to rub shoulders with quilting celebrities and learn fabulous quilty stuff from them.
I get to hang out with people that get excited about the same things I fabric and patterns and stitches.

Even though I am going all by my little ol' self and have to have a roommate assigned to me, I am seriously excited!  

So today I have spent quite a bit of time on various websites ordering fabric to get ready for my projects.  Our main project will be to learn the various modern quilting techniques taught during camp time so I was in search for the perfect fabrics for this.  While I think we were supposed to go with solids, I just can't resist the beautiful "stash" type fabrics out there.  As soon as my fabrics come in I will post them. 

My second priority will be a quilt for my teenage son.  He actually requested a quilt for his bed!!  I was given strict parameters of black, gray and bachelor pad like.  I selected this herringbone pattern and I have the fabrics on order. 

The rest of my projects will come from my pile of "projects to get to".  I hope to have a lot to show when I return.  But before I get to go to camp I have to get my son ready and off to camp.  So I best stop fabric lusting shopping and start taking care of business. 


  1. Hey! You started a blog! Well done :)

    1. Thank you! Nobody mentions how scary this all is:). Much to learn, much to continue working on....but I love it!

  2. Hi Michelle - congrats on your new blog! I'm glad you are thinking of joining in the photography challenge - I wanted to reply to your comment but for some reason you are showing as a no-reply comment.

    1. Thank you! I have had my fabric out today and got some "fail" pictures because of the clouds. Wowza do I need this challenge! I have a definite look I'm going for I just don't know how to get it! I'll check into the no reply thing. I'm somewhat technically challenged :}
